
How do You Wear An Orange T-shirt?

Dark Orange Button T-shirt between a White T-shirt and a Green Plaid Shirt
Dark Orange Button T-shirt between a White T-shirt and a Green Plaid Shirt

Photo #1
Light Orange Graphic T-shirt over a Long Sleeve White T-shirt
Light Orange Graphic T-shirt over a Long Sleeve White T-shirt

Photo #2
Men's Orange T-shirts are great to wear on a sunny day. Orange being a warm color is naturally a cheerful color and is easily associated with a sunny weather with clear sky. Orange can be light or dark and they can look very different. Read on to discover how to wear orange tees with style!

Being one of the warm colors orange is the neighboring color of red. This color tends to be bright. Therefore this color is most likely the theme color. The contrast color of orange on the color scheme is sea blue. When matched properly they look great together.

An orange tee is good with white shorts or pants. You can wear a white crew neck long sleeve tee underneath an orange button short sleeve tee, paired with blue jeans.

What are Dark Orange T-shirts good with?
Photo #1 shows a dark orange t-shirt layered with a white t-shirt and a green plaid shirt. The dark orange t-shirt happens to be a half buttoned t-shirt but it can be a crew neck t-shirt. Dark orange t-shirts are great for layering and they look AWESOME with white and light green!

What do Light Orange T-shirts look good with?
Photo #2 shows a light orange crew neck graphic t-shirt worn over a white long sleeve t-shirt. Like dark orange t-shirts light orange t-shirts are also great for layering. They can be worn alone as the top. Put on a light orange graphic tee and a pair of white shorts and you are ready for any activity on the beach!

What about Long Sleeve Orange T-shirts?
Long sleeve orange t-shirts can be worn under a short sleeve t-shirt or polo to show layering. Another way is wear a vest over a long sleeve orange t-shirt like Photo #3 shows. Orange looks wonderful with black and a vest looks sleek with a long sleeve t-shirt!

What other colors match orange t-shirts?
Other colors that go well with orange t-shirts include gray and green. Photo #4 shows an orange t-shirt underneath a dark green hooded jacket!

Here's some advice in regards to matching orange t-shirts to your skin tone.

Yellowish orange does not suit yellowish skin color. It will make the complexion look "too yellow." Reddish orange does not suit brownish skin color. This color does not stand out from the skin because the skin color and the reddish orange look similar.
Black Vest over Orange Long Sleeve Graphic T-shirt
Black Vest over Orange Long Sleeve Graphic T-shirt

Photo #3
A Light Orange T Shirt Underneath A Dark Green Jacket
A Light Orange T Shirt Underneath A Dark Green Jacket

Photo #4

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Men's Fashion For Less - by Michael Wen and Gloria Lee.
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