H&M White Graphic Tee
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Price: $15
Size: M
Color: white,dark gray
Material: cotton
Pattern: graphic
Style: short sleeve,crew neck
I was attracted to this men's white graphic tee at an H&M store because of its graphic design which is a pair of shoes in dark gray, black colors. I tired on the medium and it fit great, and it was less than $5! It's not even on sale. So I decided to get it.
This white crew neck graphic T-shirt features a pair of shoes in big, dark gray print in the front. Near the tag inside there's black rectangular patch in the shape of a basketball court. Therefore I conclude the shoes are basketball shoes :-) In the back there are little dots of dark gray which seems to be the leftover graphic paint from the front. I like it a lot because it looks modest yet it gives some sort of artistic appeal to the T-shirt!
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Price: $15
Size: M
Color: white,dark gray
Material: cotton
Pattern: graphic
Style: short sleeve,crew neck
I was attracted to this men's white graphic tee at an H&M store because of its graphic design which is a pair of shoes in dark gray, black colors. I tired on the medium and it fit great, and it was less than $5! It's not even on sale. So I decided to get it.
This white crew neck graphic T-shirt features a pair of shoes in big, dark gray print in the front. Near the tag inside there's black rectangular patch in the shape of a basketball court. Therefore I conclude the shoes are basketball shoes :-) In the back there are little dots of dark gray which seems to be the leftover graphic paint from the front. I like it a lot because it looks modest yet it gives some sort of artistic appeal to the T-shirt!
Get it!
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This cotton graphic tee is WONDERFUL for any casual occasion. I've worn it many time already since I bought it and I am very pleased with it.
The great thing about this graphic tee is that its main color is white but it also got black and grey on it, which expand selections of garments that go well with it. You can wear white or black shorts, and you can wear gray or black or blue jeans. Just make sure those garments have either white or black or grey on them and you'll be fine.
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This cotton graphic tee is WONDERFUL for any casual occasion. I've worn it many time already since I bought it and I am very pleased with it.
The great thing about this graphic tee is that its main color is white but it also got black and grey on it, which expand selections of garments that go well with it. You can wear white or black shorts, and you can wear gray or black or blue jeans. Just make sure those garments have either white or black or grey on them and you'll be fine.
BUY this white dark gray t-shirt NOW b4 they run out!
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Tuislay Mens Graphic T-Shirts Casual Oversized Letter Print Beach Shirts Baggy Cotton Short Sleeve Tshirt Summer Tee Top
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![Check out this Tuislay Mens Graphic T-Shirts Casual Oversized Letter Print Beach Shirts Baggy Cotton Short Sleeve Tshirt Summer Tee Top from Amazon! Check out this Tuislay Mens Graphic T-Shirts Casual Oversized Letter Print Beach Shirts Baggy Cotton Short Sleeve Tshirt Summer Tee Top from Amazon!](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/715537nyeHL._AC_UL320_.jpg)